Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sitting up is hard to do

While M has been hitting his motor milestones pretty easily, we've been trying different things to keep him progressing since for most of his life, he's hated tummy time with the passion of a thousand burning suns.  Letting him play in his playmat was sure to result in the Kansas of all flat headed babies.  At almost 6 months, he's sitting up when supported but would prefer to be on his feet and bouncing (jumperoo-lover that he is).  And there's only so much time I can spend with him on my lap.  So I went looking for exercises to help him buff up his sitting capabilities.  We leaned away from the Bumbo since being BFF with the jumperoo was already enough to worry about.  We needed something safe, interesting enough to keep M's attention, and versatile.  What we found was...

... a cardboard box.  Yes, my friends, a pre-transmogrifier!  I lined the box with two blankets so that M would be nice and padded.  He gets to move around and work those baby muscles and lean back when he's tired.  I drop a couple toys in his lap and he's good to go for a bit.  An added bonus is that all the toys stay put so M gets to practice reaching and grabbing for toys.  And who knows, maybe he'll transmogrify into a dinosaur...

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